H3225_ יָמִין
rechterzijde, rechterschenkel, rechterhand/rechter [hand], rechts, ten zuiden, rechterhand, rechter
Taal: Hebreeuws


Komt 148x voor in 27 Bijbelboeken.

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yamiyn, zn. vrl., van יָמַן H3231; TWOT 872a

1) zuiden; 2) rechts

Brown-Driver-Briggs Abridged Hebrew Lexicon

יָמִין 137 n.f. right hand 1 right hand 2 of situation on, or direction toward the right 3 of other parts of the body 4 = south, because when facing east the right hand is toward the south

Strong Concise Dictionary Of The Words In The Hebrew Bible

H3225 יָמִין yâmîyn; from 3231; the right hand or side (leg, eye) of a person or other object (as the stronger and more dexterous); locally, the south — left-handed, right (hand, side), south.

Synoniemen en afgeleide woorden

Hebreeuws אָמַן H541 "ter rechter hand, rechts (willen)"; Hebreeuws בִּנְיָמִין H1144 "Benjaminpoort, Benjamin, Benjamin, Benjaminiet(en), Gebea-benjamin"; Hebreeuws יָמִין H3226 "Jamin"; Hebreeuws יְמִינִי H3227 "rechterzijde, rechter"; Hebreeuws יָמַן H3231 "rechts, rechtsom, rechterhand, rechter-"; Hebreeuws מִנְיָמִין H4509 "Miniamin"; Hebreeuws תֵּימָן H8486 "south coast, south wind, south, south side, southward";


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