Language of the Pentateuch in its Relation to Egyptian [1933], Vol. 1
Auteur: A.S. Yahuda


The main object of this book is to deal with Hebrew-Egyptian relations from the linguistic aspect, and many passages and allusions in the Joseph and Exodus narratives of a distinctly Egyptian coloring have been excluded. The volume contains two sections: the first deals with the Joseph and Exodus narratives, the second with the Genesis stories and a portion of the Patriarchal narratives. Also found within is a table of abbreviations, periods of Egyptian language, and the Egyptian alphabet and the phonetic equivalents in Hebrew.


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Titel Language of the Pentateuch in its Relation to Egyptian [1933], Vol. 1
Auteur A.S. Yahuda
Uitgever Kessinger Publishing
Jaar Verschenen 1933
Taal en
Pagina's pp. 368
Onderwerp Akkadisch, Breeuwen, Dauw, Egyptisch, Goferhout, Hebreeuws, Kussen, Mist, Nevel, Damp, Nijl, Verharding (v.h. hart)


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