How Kingdom Action Can Change the World


Jesus has mandated his church to actively engage in transforming society on earth--"Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven." But when societal issues and problems loom large, it can seem an impossible task. Offering solid teachings on apostles and prophets, spiritual warfare, the church in the workplace, and much more, C. Peter Wagner shows readers just how kingdom action can change the world. With a sense of mission and urgency, Wagner explores the biblical roots of dominion theology, the views of great Christian thinkers through the ages, the ways Christians are working it out in their lives and on the job, and what each part can do when brought together through the operational power of the Holy Spirit.


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Titel Dominion! How Kingdom Action Can Change the World
Auteur C. Peter Wagner
Uitgever Chosen Books
Jaar Verschenen 2008
Taal en
Pagina's pp. 224
Onderwerp Kingdom Now theologie, Nieuwe Apostolische Reformatie


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