
Zie ook: Dode Zee-rollen,

4Q561, 4QPhysiognomyar, is een Dode Zee-rol.

Opvallend is dat de tekst van rechts naar links is geschreven, en een mengelmoes van Aramees kwadraatschrift, paleo-Hebreeuws en zelfs Grieks schrift. De tekst zelf is Aramees.



Vertaling door Robin Ken gereviseerd door Alan Humm

Frag. 1 col. I

1 [His ????]... and they will be mixed and sparse. His eyes (will be)
2 of a medium shade. His nose (will be) a long
3 and attractive. And his teeth (will be) straight. And his beard
4 will be relatively thin. His limbs will be
5 in fit condition and niether underweight nor overweight.
6 ...
7 ... his elbows will be strong ...
8 husky. And his thighs of [medium]
9 bulk. And his feet will be [of medium]
10 length. His foot
11 ...
12 ...
13 ...
14 ... his shoulder... [medium]... His spirit
15 ...
16 ... full bodied hair.

Frag. 1 col. II

1 The voice will be ...
2 stern (?)...
3 it will not strain.
4 The hair of his beard (will be) plentiful ...
5 he will be neither fat n[or thin...
6 And they will be short...
7 His nails will be strong...
8 and his height will be ...

Frag. 2

2 [... His beard(?)]will be reddish...
3 ...His eyes] will be clear and circular...
4 ...The hair of his hea[d ...

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