Know Who You Are


If God is almighty, why is the world in such a mess? Sometimes we blame the Lord and say that He is not doing anything, but could it be our problem because we don’t know the authority we have? Discover the true battleground and learn how to recognize the real enemy. Learn how the devil works and how you can resist him and much more!

This book is about the authority of the believer. In these pages, I explain from the Word what our authority is, how we got it and how to use it; and tell you things that I have studied and come to understand for myself. Do we have authority that we do not know about? If so, then when, how and towards what should it be exercised?


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Titel Authority Know Who You Are
Auteur Ank Kleinmeulman
Uitgever Docs2eBooks
Jaar Verschenen 2015
Taal en
Pagina's pp.


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