The Golden Ark
A Pictorial History


From its construction by Moses' artisans until its mysterious disappearance, the Ark of the Testimony/Covenant had only one purpose. What was it? How did one of history's most significant artifacts serve the Israelites, newly freed from Egyptian slavery? How did physics and chemistry relate to its performance? In this strikingly illustrated book, Roger D. Isaacs continues his 50 years of biblical research, leading to his acclaimed book Talking With God: The Radioactive Ark of The Testimony, by guiding us along the Ark's precarious journey from Mount Sinai across the Jordan River to answer these provocative questions.


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Titel The Golden Ark A Pictorial History
Auteur Roger D. Isaacs
Uitgever The Publishing Institute, Inc.
Jaar Verschenen 2016
Taal en
Pagina's pp. 96
Onderwerp Ark (des Heeren, Verbond)


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