The Unwound Yarn
Birth and Development of Textile Tools Between Levant and Egypt


This book reviews certain of the most important archaeological finds of textile tools, in order to draw a picture of the spinning and weaving technologies adopted in the Levant and Egypt from the Neolithic to the Persian period. A brief description of the objects found at several sites is provided to highlight differences of materials and tool design in order to better understand developments in weaving technology across this region. Textile tools housed in the Museo Egizio di Torino are also examined here for the first time. These include spindles and spindle whorls, bone spatulae and needles, which for the most part originate from Schiaparelli’s excavations at the Workers’ village of Deir el-Medina. A general analysis is provided, which compares these objects to the tools known from other sites in Egypt, as well as a catalogue, which provides further description and exact measurements for each object of the collection.

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Titel The Unwound Yarn Birth and Development of Textile Tools Between Levant and Egypt
Auteur Chiara Spinazzi-Lucchesi
Uitgever Edizioni Ca' Foscari
Jaar Verschenen 2018
Taal en
Pagina's pp. 205
Onderwerp Kleding


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